Navigation and Viewing Framework
Configurable navigation and viewing setups for various display types in the VR lab
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lib-server.TraceLines.Trace Class Reference

Class which handles the creation and updating of the trace lines. More...

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Default constructor. More...
def calc_transform_mat
 Calculates the transformation matrix of a line segment node in the scene graph. More...
def clear
 Clears the traces and starts drawing again from the current position. More...
def update
 Update function that updates the point list whenever the time_offset was reached. More...

Public Attributes

 The number of line segments that are used. More...
 After this distance a new line segment is created. More...
 A list of scene graph nodes where each respresents a line segment. More...
 A transform node that is the parent of all line segments. More...
 The index of the current point in the list of lines. More...
 The end point of the last drawn line segment that is used as start point for the next line segment. More...

Detailed Description

Class which handles the creation and updating of the trace lines.

Is used by Navigation instances to draw the trace of their movement.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def lib-server.TraceLines.Trace.__init__ (   self,

Default constructor.

PARENT_NODEA node in the scene graph to which the line segments are appended.
IDA numerical ID that is appended to the scene graph name to separate the line segments of multiple instances of this class.
NUM_LINESThe number of line segments to be used.
LINE_DISTANCEThe overall distance of all line segments together. Determines how long the trace lines are kept before they are overwritten.
INITIAL_MATThis matrix is used as initial position of all line segments.
TRACE_MATERIALThe material to be used to display the trace.

Member Function Documentation

def lib-server.TraceLines.Trace.calc_transform_mat (   self,

Calculates the transformation matrix of a line segment node in the scene graph.

def lib-server.TraceLines.Trace.clear (   self,

Clears the traces and starts drawing again from the current position.

def lib-server.TraceLines.Trace.update (   self,

Update function that updates the point list whenever the time_offset was reached.

Member Data Documentation


The index of the current point in the list of lines.


The end point of the last drawn line segment that is used as start point for the next line segment.

It is initialized with the translation of the INITIAL_MATRIX parameter.


After this distance a new line segment is created.

This value is calculated with the given parameters and determines the resolution the trace line.


A list of scene graph nodes where each respresents a line segment.


The number of line segments that are used.


A transform node that is the parent of all line segments.

It groups the line segments in the scene graph as the given ID is added to it's name and therefore allows multiple instances of this class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: